I'm in a unique position. I played for eight seasons in"the Madden 23 coins and three in the "old" CBA and my last five under the current CBA that's scheduled to expire following the 2020 season. I've observed firsthand the shifts in the training camp schedule (no more two-a-days , and more days off) and the offseason programs (fewer weeks and hours in this facility). It's much more comfortable for the body, there's no doubt.

But, and listen closely you'll notice that it's not reduced rates of Madden NFL 23 injury rate. The majority of the medical side agree that fewer practice hours have led to more in-game injuries because the bodies of players aren't well-equipped to handle the physical toll of playing on Sundays.

Madden NFL 23 Owners of Madden NFL 23 know they can convince some players with the promise of lesser practice time in exchange for more games. However, the majority of retired players, including myself, would have paid more money for an increase in practice time.

While the goal of the Madden NFL 23 owners is to entice the players with lesser of everything prior to the start of the season, I'm of the opinion that this shouldn't be one of the main reasons Madden NFL 23 players decide on 17 games.

More money and health benefits are the things that players must be fighting for

Players consider themselves equal in this deal , and advancing from 17 to 17 games increase the risk of injury , as well as the likelihood of a reduced career. They want more than what the owners are offering -the current figure of 48.5 percent of the revenue split -the amount needed to bring it about. I do believe an increase of 49 percent could convince them to settle for 17 games and 50 percent could ensure a deal is reached.

The most important question is what else will be included with these 17 sports? Will the rises in retirement benefits as well as minimum salaries related to the proposal for 17 games? Are they going to disappear if players don't agree to 17 games? If yes, do more pay for younger players as well as more benefits for retired players make up for not receiving up to 49 or 50 percent of the revenue split?

Some players might agree that it does. The care of the whole group is the goal of the union, and MUT 23 ltds when sacrificing a percentage or two gives the main players more cash in their pockets, they'd certainly be in.