A first-time Elden Ring Runes player assumes Margit, the Fell Omen before Stormveil, and suffers a remarkably unfortunate death at the wrong time.

In a heated struggle with Elden Ring's first boss, Margit, the Fell Omen, a first-time player met defeat in the worst possible moment. About a year and a half after Elden Ring launched to unfathomable universal acclaim, new players are entering the Lands Between for the very first time, a lot of whom can come into connection with the mighty Omen who stands before Stormveil Castle.

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The first section of Elden Ring's massive open world, Limgrave, hosts Stormveil Castle, a huge fortress encompassed by gusting winds and dark green skies which holds many valuable items for players to find out. Before players could possibly get inside to understand more about it, they have to go through the game's first skill check and major boss Margit, the Fell Omen, who wields a sizable staff plus an arsenal of golden light weapons. While there is a hidden path around the right side of Stormveil that ultimately renders Margit and also the entire castle optional, many very first-time Tarnished won't realize this and must undertake Margit to be able to gain access to the intricate castle and then, their first shard bearer.

Reddit user and very first-time Elden Ring player 65dollars posted a relevant video of them squaring track of a Margit who's sneezing from biting the dust. The player mistimes Margit's second phase hammer slam and it is brought to inside an inch of life. The player backs up to choose a swig of health only to discover their flask empty. With both sides hanging onto life with a thread and Margit making his final approach, the ball player nervously squares up once again.

Margit begins his windup and rather than dodging, the ball player starts a swing that belongs to them just a millisecond later. Both of these land fatal blows on each other at the exact same time with the ball player seeing the dreadful "You Died" pop-up prior to the more exciting "Great Enemy Felled" message graces their screen. While this is an unfortunate moment, Margit is confirmed to become slain, and also the player is free of charge to move on to understand more about the strategies of Stormveil Castle.

Any seasoned Souls veteran recognizes that dodging boss attacks and survivability is much more important than dealing damage generally. However, for the reason that moment whenever a really tough boss only has a smidge of health left, it's very easy to allow best practices to slip the window in support of lunging wildly to obtain that one last hit. It seems like Margit the Fell Omen continues to be giving new players lots of hell as Stormveil Castle's bouncer.

buy elden ring runes can be obtained for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.