It seems like it also lets you limit things so that they don't get out of hand. Like, you already have Bru'kan, who has Nature Spell Damage +3 WOTLK Gold. If you printed a general card that said, "Spell damage +3," you could see that combo getting wacky real fast. But this way, it seems like you have finer control.

Exactly. We get to decide which spells are nature spells. We get to decide the exact reach of those spells, but it's still certainly a very powerful card. I think in the materials you saw, that Lightning Storm has been typed as a nature spell. So lightning storm was spell damage plus three for four extra mana. That's pretty good.

The new Frenzy keyword reminds me of Spellburst. Frenzy seems a little harder to trigger, without Warrior-like Enrage effects.

I wouldn't necessarily say it's harder to trigger. I think there's still going to be ways you can do that. If you really want to get your Frenzy out, you might use Animated Broomstick, a card like that. Warrior will have ways, much easier ways I think, than some other classes of trading their Frenzy minions and getting all of their effects.

We just wanted to bring some of the focus back to board combat. Now you have to really think about, "Am I evaluating this trade differently because of the Frenzy ability?" versus just going face or taking what could be seen as the most optimal trade. You're definitely going to consider the Frenzy ability a lot more now in terms of those board's interactions.

Each expansion is planning to get its own mini-expansion. How do you make the selection of which cards go into the main expansion and then which ones you bring out in the mini-expansion?

That's something that we internally have been trying to figure out. We know how to make a 135 card expansion, but making another 35 extra cards at the same time that are a slightly different theme is something that we haven't done a ton of in the past. So we've experimented with a couple of different ways to cheap WOTLK Classic Gold do it, having one or two people break off to sort of tackle the mini-set while other designers are still working on the main expansion.