And when I got my first skill cape in this decade and a half together with OSRS gold as well as a friend, I was beaming. There's something deeply emotional that comes from playing old games like this. Sometimes it's frustration that you can't see eye-to-eye with your childhood self. Sometimes it's a deep spiritual understanding of how a title shaped your childhood.

Sometimes, it transports you to when you were far less experienced player and highlights the progress you've made in life. With RuneScape It was part both of the three. When my younger self was able to look at me now, he'd be so remarkably proud. Even grotworms cannot steal my light.

Popular and long-running online Role-Play video game franchise RuneScape will be coming to tabletop gaming with two new games that will be launched later this year. Publisher and developer of video games of RuneScape, Jagex, has teamed up with tabletop-gaming powerhouse Steamforged Games to create both tablestop roleplaying game core book inspired by the rich fantasy the world of Gielinor.

Both games are set to be released in 2022 The board game coming out on Kickstarter along with the TTRPG coming straight to the stores. The games will feature the characters, adventures and locations from RuneScape's long and rich 21-year history, with the board game taking between up to five players on quest-based missions through Buy OSRS gold.