To improve your speed there are a couple simple things you can do that will make a world of a difference. Learn the basics, there is  Rocket League Prices really only two ways to increase speed, either flipping forward or picking up boost pads. Work on becoming familiar to where boost pads are and when you have time to dart out for them.

Also flip consistently to learn the effects of mixing boost and flips together. As you improve on the ability to gain and keep speed implement a speed oriented mindset in your play style. Focus on Chasing down plays and get used to being at top speed, this will force your opponents to react to you. I guarantee that keeping speed alone will cause you to quickly see an improvement.

This tip actually rides on the coat tails of keeping up your speed. This is due to taking away the advantage opponents have who get to the ball first. If you know that your team has filled the defensive position(s) behind you, go for a block. This can make what would have been a pass or shot into a 50/50 and helps your team to Rocket League Item Prices get organized. The ball essentially resets, going somewhere that could not have been initially anticipated.