Nowadays, the car rental industry is developing rapidly, mainly because it is a sunrise industry. However, with the rapid development, there are also unavoidable risks. In order to ensure the safety of the vehicle, car rental companies generally install GPS for car tracking hidden on the car. GPS for car tracking hidden is so far a key means to reduce vehicle risks, and it is also an indispensable anti-theft positioning device, especially in the field of vehicle management and vehicle anti-theft.

The gps for car tracking hidden installed by car rental companies will always be deliberately removed by malicious people. The intention is self-evident. This is basically the pain point of every car rental company. How to prevent gps for car tracking hidden from being removed becomes An industry-wide concern.

The first method is to suggest that you choose the anti-disassembly gps for car tracking hidden. If someone removes the locator or destroys the locator line, the device will issue an alarm in time, and remind the user to deal with it immediately through the management platform and APP. At the same time, the vehicle is also in an unusable state.

The second method is to select the gps for car tracking hidden with backup power. When the external power supply is damaged, the built-in backup power supply can still continue to work, and the alarm information of the external power supply damage is transmitted to the monitoring platform to notify the user.

The third method is to install the locator covertly, so that they want to disassemble but can't find the location. These people are usually old drivers who are familiar with the road. They generally know more about where they are installed, so the installation position of the locator is very important.

Method 4: After the gps for car tracking hidden is removed, the user can use the track playback function of the management platform to collect evidence in time and quickly deal with the condition of the vehicle.

Method five, if it is possible, install two or more gps for car tracking hidden, wired and wireless. If you remove one, I will have another, double insurance. When ordinary people remove one, they will take it lightly and stop looking for it.

gps for car tracking hidden