Since then, my run-in with the Cheap 2K22 MT franchise has been heard about the gradual improving of graphic enhancements (and frequent visits to the PS4 console arcade prior to the pandemic). It's still the biggest NBA game title to date in the series, however last year's version attracted a lot from negative feedback on Metacritic from gamers.The latest patch notes aim to improve performance on all consoles. However, there are certain things that might have been overlooked. Some players have been exploiting games' Post Hook stat, with the internet's most popular TikTok that takes it to the most extreme, in a manner which could create Peter Griffin proud.

A 2K22 TikTok on October 10 , has gone viral showing a player regularly draining hook shots deep, basically making the "Post" out of the Post Hook. It seems that nearly every time a user can do it in the clip, they've got the Posterizer badge active. Only one exception is the very first video taken.

Although it's unclear what sort that Center or Power Forward model the player is making use of to get the shots in, it likely involves the often-ignored Post Hook stat in some way. We've witnessed this type of ploy only once before in a memorable and epic matchup between two basketball titans in Family Guy.

In the fabled game "Double Dribble" between Cleveland Orenthal Brown Sr. and Peter Griffin, Peter used such an advantage to win the game 18-4. He made use of his signature "Corner Three" shot for six consecutive times. For anyone who has had the pleasure of playing 2K22 against a clever Sharpshooting guard this video may be as if it's from the real world for you.

Therefore, even though this Buy NBA 2K MT Post Hook strategy may not be a common practice yet However, you'll want to be on the lookout for this strategy in all of your Park or Rec games from this point out. NBA All-Star Kevin Durant has been logging several hours on 2K22 this offseason . He experienced a record-breaking winning streak last night , along with some 2K content creators.