Peta has made is no secret that it thinks Animal Crossing breaks some of animal rights laws. It recently posted a ‘Vegan Guide’ to the game that advises gamers towards fishing, catching bugs, gathering clams Buy Animal Crossing Items or taking pictures hermit crabs, alongside an in-depth list of what vegans are allowed to devour on the game.

Though, to make sure its emotions closer to Animal Crossing’s remedy of animals is without a doubt felt, Peta decided to level a virtual protest against the museum, claiming its director is ‘cancelled.’

Daniel Luu, a 25-year-vintage software engineer from Maryland, awoke one morning to discover loads of thousands of human beings scouring his newly released internet site Nookazon. To his surprise, his TikTok showcasing the website went viral as he slept. Traffic surged from 6,000 to 180,000 Nookazon users overnight.