Triple Threat mode offers another opportunity to earn MT. This mode features three-on-three games against AI or other players, with rewards based on your performance. To optimize MT earnings in 2K25 MT Triple Threat, aim to win games with a high score and complete any associated objectives. Additionally, Triple Threat often rewards players with tokens and packs, which can be sold in the Auction House for additional MT. Regular participation in Triple Threat can provide a steady stream of MT and valuable items that contribute to your overall strategy.

Challenges and events are also essential for boosting your MT balance. NBA 2K frequently introduces time-limited challenges that offer significant MT rewards upon completion. These challenges may involve specific player performances or in-game achievements. Completing these challenges not only boosts your MT but also provides additional rewards, such as player packs or special cards. Prioritize these challenges to maximize your MT earnings and enhance your team's capabilities.

Effective MT management involves not only accumulating but also spending your MT wisely. One key strategy is to prioritize your purchases based on your team's needs. Rather than spending MT on every new card or pack release, evaluate how each potential purchase fits into your overall strategy. For instance, investing in high-rated players for key positions, such as point guard or center, can have a more significant impact on your team's performance compared to Cheap 2K25 MT acquiring numerous lower-rated cards.