As someone who has spent time with robotic sex dolls, I often wonder if we can – or should – think of them as humans. While they are not alive, these advanced dolls are designed to mimic human behavior, blurring the line between reality and artificiality.

Robotic sex dolls can mimic a surprising range of human behaviors. For example, they can simulate speech and have very realistic conversations. These dolls are programmed to respond with different tones and emotions that match, making you feel like they are really interacting with you. This conversational ability can be very comforting, providing a sense of companionship that goes beyond the physical. I researched various sex dolls, and while silicone sex dolls also looked realistic, they were also very expensive and heavy, which was beyond my means.

In addition to speaking, robotic sex dolls can also mimic human gestures and movements. They can turn their heads to follow your gaze, blink, and even smile when appropriate. These subtle movements, while artificial, create a sense of connection and make the doll feel more lifelike. This is one of the features that attracted me to robots.

The dolls are also equipped with sensors that allow them to respond to touch. For example, when you stroke them, they may sigh softly or change their facial expression. This reaction can enhance the feeling that you are interacting with a real person rather than a machine.

However, despite these human-like behaviors, it is important to remember that robotic sex dolls are not human. They have no feelings, thoughts, or consciousness. While they can mimic human behavior, they lack the complexity of a real human mind and soul.

Although robotic sex dolls are very powerful, considering the weight issue, I would rather have a sex doll torso with a robotic sex doll, which can help us reduce the weight and budget of sex dolls and meet more of our needs.

So, can we treat robot sex dolls as humans? It's tempting, especially when their behaviors are so similar to our own. But at the end of the day, they are still advanced tools designed to meet specific needs. The distinction between human and machine is clear, even if the line occasionally feels blurred.