Players unlock spawn points in the next-generation version of NBA 2K22, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, by completing side missions involving running in the city.Players unlock spawn points in the next-generation version of NBA 2K22, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, by completing side missions Buy 2K22 MT involving running in the city. There are 7 spawn points in total.

Players have gained a pleasant experience through the new features, playable areas and game mechanics in NBA 2K22, but there are some differences between the next-generation console of the game and the current version. The biggest difference is the inclusion of the city In a relatively new system. Players using the old version of the game system will be on the Neighborhood and the Cancha Del Mar Cruise Ship, rather than roaming in the City like players in the new version.

Players can leisurely explore the large playable area of the City. Players can interact with NPCs and complete side missions in this area. The unlocking of spawn points is also necessary with the arrival of a large open world area such as the City. This way players will be able to conduct easier navigation and faster activities.

Through these spawn points players can start the game in a specific area of the City. The start of the spawn points ability is when the spawn points are unlocked in the side mission. All spawn points will be unlocked at the same time when the side mission is completed. This task requires the player to run a certain distance in the city, and then we select the desired spawn area in the City map and set it as a spawn point.

Players need to run 26.2 miles, and the unlocking of spawn points is provided by the NBC ATM in the City. Since the use of BMX, skateboards and roller skates are not included in the total distance travelled, the player must walk. And you can’t walk but need to run. In addition, players can check how far they have run through the progress indicator displayed on the left side of the screen.

One thing to note is that running in place does not count. Once the player reaches 26.2 miles and completes the mission, all spawn points will be automatically unlocked, and we can set spawn points on the map.

Setting spawn points will change where the character returns to the beginning of the City. This function is really useful if we want to return to a specific area. And after completing the task of unlocking spawn points, we can also get 1000 MVP points. The ultimate goal of collecting these points is to unlock the penthouse.

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