edm cnc drill from china machining is the use of EDM discharge to produce electrical erosion of conductive materials to achieve processing, is the result of the combined action of electricity, heat and fluid power. In the process of spark discharge, pulse voltage is a necessary condition for generating electrical discharge, and the high-frequency power supply is a high-power high-frequency pulse signal source that generates pulse voltage, which is an important component of cnc edm drill from china machine tool, in use, we must learn to correctly adjust the various parameters.

First, the principle of regulation

1, the workpiece height is about 50mm, molybdenum wire diameter in 0.16mm, cnc edm drill from china processing, generally set "voltage adjustment" knob 2, "pulse amplitude" switch on 1+2+2 level, "pulse width selection" knob 3, "interval fine-tuning" knob middle position, The cutting current is stable at about 2.0A (see "Cutting Parameter Selection Table" for different height workpieces).

2, feed speed (selected by the controller) selection: After determining the voltage, amplitude, pulse width, and interval, first determine the short-circuit current by using a short-circuit method, and then start cutting, adjust the controller frequency conversion gear and tracking knob, etc., so that the processing current reaches 70~75% of the short-circuit current.

3. When cnc edm drill from china is processed, the switch of each state should be carried out as far as possible when the cylinder is reversed or turned off at a high frequency, and do not adjust the state at a single time to avoid breaking the wire.

4. When the new molybdenum wire is just cut, the processing current selects one-third to two-thirds of the normal cutting current, and after ten minutes of cutting, it is adjusted to the normal value to extend the use time of the molybdenum wire.

Second, short circuit current test set

"Voltage adjustment" knob 2 gear, "pulse amplitude" switch on 1+2+2, "pulse width selection" knob 3 gear, "interval fine-tuning" knob in the middle position, short circuit high-frequency output end with thicker wire (a piece of tungsten steel at the front end of the line arm against the guide wheel is high-frequency output negative, along the work table is high-frequency output positive), open high-frequency power supply, open wire cylinder motor, Turn on the high frequency control switch of the controller. At this time, the high frequency power ammeter indicates about 2.8A

Third, the selection of each parameter

1. Selection of operating voltage

Operation method: Rotate the "voltage adjustment" knob, you can choose 70~110V processing voltage, divided into three grades, voltmeter indicating value is the processing voltage value. Selection principle: the height of the workpiece below 50mm, the processing voltage is selected at 70V, that is, the * file; For workpieces with a height of 50mm~150mm, the processing voltage is selected at 90V, that is, the second gear; For workpieces with a height of more than 150mm, the processing voltage is selected at 110V, that is, the third gear.

2. Operating current selection Changing the "pulse amplitude" switch and adjusting the "pulse Width selection" and "interval fine-tuning" knobs can change the operating current, here the operating current selection refers to changing the adjustment of the pulse amplitude switch. Operation method: Change the on-off state of the five switches of "pulse amplitude", there can be 12 levels of power output, and the output current can be flexibly adjusted to ensure the average processing current required under various different process requirements. If two switches marked with 2 are connected, equal to one switch marked with 1 and marked with 3 are connected; Other similar. The selection principle states: the more series of "pulse amplitude" switch is switched on (equivalent to the more power amplifier tube number is selected), the greater the processing current, the faster the processing speed, but under the same pulse width, the greater the processing current, the worse the surface roughness. Under normal circumstances: the height of the workpiece below 50mm, the pulse amplitude switch is switched on in 1 to 5 levels, such as 1, 2, 3 or 1+2, 1+3 or 2+2, 1+2+2 or 2+3. For workpieces with a height of 50mm to 150mm, the pulse amplitude switch is switched on at levels 3 to 9, such as 3 or 1+ 2,2 +2, 2+3, 3+2+ 3, 3+2+ 3, 3+3+ 3, 3+3+ 3, 3+3+ 3, 3+3+ 3, 3+3+2 +2 or 3+2+2+ 2+1. For workpieces with a height of 150mm~300mm, the pulse amplitude switch is switched on at levels 6~11, such as 3+3, 2+2+3 +3+ 1,3 +3+2+ 1,3 +3+2+ 1,3 +3+2+2, 3+3+2+2+ 2+2+1.

3. Pulse width selection

Operation method: Rotate the "pulse width selection" knob, you can choose the pulse width of 8μs~80μs, divided into five stops, respectively, the first stop is 8μs, the second stop is 20μs, the third stop is 40μs, the fourth stop is 60μs, the fifth stop is 80μs. Selection principle: When the pulse width is wide, the discharge time is long, the energy of a single pulse is large, the processing is stable, the cutting efficiency is high, but the surface roughness is poor. On the contrary, when the pulse width is narrow, the energy of a single pulse is small, the processing stability is poor, the cutting efficiency is low, but the surface roughness is good. Under normal circumstances: the height of the workpiece is below 15mm, the pulse width is selected from 1 to 5 files; For workpieces with a height of 15mm~50mm, choose 2~5 files for pulse width; For the workpiece with a height of more than 50mm, the pulse width is selected from 3 to 5 files.

cnc edm drill from china https://www.talentcnc.com/EDM-drilling-machine