When you've settled on a new style (Good-bye comb-overs, combs-overs; welcome red Mohawk! ) Once you've settled, you'll be prepared to introduce your new look to the new landscapes. You're welcome to explore one of the WoW cataclysm Gold two areas: Borean Tundra as well as the Howling Fjord, but you must definitely visit first the Howling Fjord first. The quests here tend to be at a lower level than those in the Borean Tundra. They're also more focused on their respective alliance and horde strongholds. Once you've completed three or four levels within the Howling Fjord, you'll easily master the entire Borean Tundra for a second simple and quick stage or two. It's the advantage of having two different starting points and you'll always be ahead of the curve when you finish both.

It is believed that the Howling Fjord is a zone that is ruled by the Vrykul, huge Viking men with a terrible manner of conduct. Although there are numerous factions, none are welcoming. When you travel across all of the Howling Fjord quest lines, as well, you'll be making your journey through every Vrykul village. In most instances, you'll take out a specific number of the villages, however, in some cases, you'll burn their towers, destroy their buildings, and even take their dogs to the slaughter. Some of the most enjoyable missions, however, involve an island of pirates known as Scalawag Point. Two of the first characters that you encounter are a Blood Elf worshiping artifact collector as well as a hefty Tauren bookie. The quests of the two characters are interspersed since the collector owes the bookie a large sum of money. So don't be shocked if, when you submit your quest towards the collection, a different player appears and kicks his back.

The pirates will also be greeted by the"second in command," who will not let you speak one word out of her prior to assuming you're there to take down her boss, Then she explains how. You'll be able to track him down to the cave where you'll confront him and his huge bear companion. Both of them are as strong to break, so be sure to bring your buddies. Other quests within the Howling Fjord have you freezing the spores that are contaminated, and also breaking them, hunting for critters with your new falcon companion and running around inside your body as a revived rune golem. This is a cheap WoW cataclysm Gold great way to make you more prepared for war with the siege weapon at Lake Wintergrasp and Strand of the Ancients.