A group of knowledgeable HALAL consultants in Zambia called Certvalue is best known for offering HALAL certification across Zambia, including in Lusaka, Kitwe, Ndola, Kabwe, Chingola, Mufulira, and other significant cities. Do you want to get your product approved in Zambia or do you want to import/export it or get it certified under Halal? In Zambia, HALAL certification ensures that goods and services targeted towards the Muslim community comply with Islamic law and are thus fit for consumption in Muslim nations as well as Western nations with sizable Muslim populations (France, Germany, United Kingdom, Spain). The process of certifying a product as Halal ensures that it meets the standards set by the Islamic board, which permits the use of the Halal label. It is primarily used on meat products and food items like additives, milk, and canned food. Halal certification is especially important for meat products since it guarantees that the animals were killed in a single cut, fully bled, and that their meat was not in contact with any other animal slaughter especially not pig.


     The top certifying body in Zambia is HALAL Services. Our team of skilled executives can supervise the provision of Halal food certification services in India and around the world in the most efficient way possible at competitive prices. Our team has also obtained halal certification, which would elevate us to the position of head in halal.


Requirements of HALAL Certification Process in Zambia:

    All food producers are required to create and market exclusively halal goods.Each applicant needs to confirm that the origins of the ingredients are halal and work with vendors who either provide halal goods or have halal certification certificates.Transporting halal goods ought to be done separately from non-halal goods.Every business must follow the guidelines in the procedures manual for every feature.The facilities and equipment on the property must be free of contaminants that are deemed unclean or hazardous to health. Businesses falling under the categories of small, medium, and multinational industries are required to establish an internal committee for halal audits and designate an Islamic Affairs executive with a focus on Islamic studies to oversee the agreement of halal certification processes.A product cannot be processed, packaged, transported, or prepared in any way if it contains any non-halal ingredients.There should be a minimum of two full-time Muslim employees who are Malaysian citizens working in the kitchen or food processing department.


BENEFITS OF HALAL certification in Zambia


Even if they are not Muslims, many opt to eat Halal cuisine since it meets the strict ethical requirements for food products. Customers think that eating halal food has numerous ethical and health advantages.


Safer to Eat: Food safety and hygiene are given top priority in halal cuisine. This implies that the rate of food contamination is likewise lower. Halal farmers refrain from using chemicals and antibiotics, and Muslims who prepare the food must also adhere to the same Halal laws. The animals must also receive proper care and clean nutrition.


More Ethical: Since it is illegal to kill sick animals, animals are kept in hygienic, natural environments to promote the growth of healthy, disease-free organisms. In addition to receiving good care, many people think that Halal killing is incredibly humane since it spares animals from unnecessary suffering and stress when compared to contemporary farming methods.


Less likely to contaminate meat: Islamic slaughter practices require that all blood be removed from the carcass, resulting in meat that is healthier and fresher and free of bacterial growth-related contamination.


Enhances Metabolism: Taking the best possible care of one's own body is a fundamental obligation for Muslims. A basic method of achieving this is making sure that the food being consumed is nutritious and of high quality. A healthy diet also promotes the general health of the body, the brain, the immune system, and metabolism.


Because blood in meat increases its susceptibility to putrefaction and negatively affects its flavour, halal meat has a higher flavour. Because there is no blood in it, halal meat is resistant to infection and keeps fresher for longer, making it not only healthier but also more flavorful.


How to Get HALAL Consultants in Zambia?


   Certvalue is one of Zambia's Top Leading HALAL Consultants, enhancing competitiveness in the supply of medical device quality management systems. We are one of the reputable businesses with experts in each industry sector to implement the widespread with 100% success rate. You can use our pop-up form on Certvalue.com to receive assistance if you're wondering how to obtain HALAL certification in Zambia. You can also submit an expert free query to contact@certvalue.com . Here, your questions and needs are being answered by our talented professionals.