No.9 - Axe of Godfrey

Axe of Godfrey for Elden Ring Runes a long time was a great disappointment. But now is absolutely ridiculous thanks to the two specific buffs. Firstly they made regal roar the effect that gets the unique heavy combo going actually relevant the beast raw talisman actually works with this now. You're able to chunk out over 1000 damage in PvP with just that Roar alone and the AOE itself is going to be good. The issue in that is that it's quite a slow animation, so you usually just use it to buff up get the AR of the war cry and then unlock the new heavy combo. Where this weapon is actually good though and matter irrelevant is that unique heavy combo after you've activated regal roar. You'll do a mini stomp with a mini AOE around you and then do an uppercut swing almost instantaneously. That is terrifying, it's incredibly hard to trade with or face in any direct way in PvP. Then you can entirely rely upon it again in PVE as well. Literally, every single time you go to do an attack, just use that first part of this heavy combo. Because the follow-up part is a bit slower by comparison not really worth committing to. As an incredibly slow but heavy-hitting weapon, you can run and jump attacks use, the regal roar to real catch things at the range, and then hardcore rely upon that unique fast heavy combo as the main source of damage. If they don't have really like high poise just the initial really quick stamp that'll even stagger them leading to free damage after.

No.8 - Siluria’s Tree

This one had some big buffs since previous batches to make its ash of war a lot more relevant. These days, the ash of war you can either tap it and do a sort of quick holy slam in front of you or you can charge it by spinning it around which is cool and doing this sort of beam of light with a really good range which now pierces targets as well allowing for some serious AOE. The individual hit though will be frankly ridiculous in terms of damage and you can use it from so far away that you're able to just basically rely on that in a fight. If you can make the space and do the range for it. Of course in the open world, you'll always be able to do that and in boss fights, there are plenty of punishment windows that allow for it. This is a good weapon though it's by no means bad. A great spear is a great weapon type. Long range, very capable, good damage on the basic pokes and thrusts as one of the greatest running heavy attacks where you channel ace of multi-tick hit and then do a thrust at the end which is a great gap closer incredible in PvP and just really annoying to deal with. Using this weapon in free for all PvP is hilarious because you can just kind of snipe people with the beam from off camera dealing ridiculous damage per hit and in the few sections of the game where enemies are sort of cheap Elden Ring Items faith weak, it's going to be a great pick.