As one of the most popular ARPGs today, Path of Exile released the Expedition expansion last month. For the enormous fan base, this is a monumental moment, that’s for sure. They announced the surprise return! The pattern that was previously provided as an April Fool’s joke is now back after an overhaul. The period of Path of Exile Royale is the same as Expedition Expansion. Players' demand for POE Currency has also risen a lot.

Path of Exile Expedition allows players to encounter Kalguur. They traveled all the way to Wraeclast to follow their ancestors and retrieve the lost artifacts. As a hero in the story, every player has the responsibility to help retrieve artifacts from the expedition site. A series of explosives will be strategically placed and then detonated to excavate Kalguur’s POE Currency.

However, players must be careful about the way they placed the explosives, as this may determine whether they will find these ancient rune artifacts themselves. They traded these artifacts to four new merchants. Tujen the Haggler, Rog the Dealer, and Gwennen the Gambler are led by Dannig, and everyone has their own unique trading style. For example, Gwennen provides items that are gambling on the transaction process, while Rog tries to make a profit by increasing the transaction.

This is not the only new thing players can experience in Expedition. There are some logs that can be found, and it can even craft them to maximize their value and difficulty. Or, if players are not interested, they can trade with other players to get POE Currency. Dannig uses these to take players to new locations. The ensuing challenge is to use a longer explosion chain to discover new bosses and rewards.

Novice players have not tried these challenges. It is best for them to read the practical enough game guides and purchase sufficient POE Currency before getting involved in those terrifying challenges. The difficulty of the challenge is directly proportional to the ultimate reward. Come on!

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