Path of Exile: Expedition is a new PC update of Path of Exile. It will launch the new extension on PS4 and Xbox One on July 28. These players can prepare POE Currency for its arrival. The unreleased content released by Grinding Gear Games includes many additional features, including a new tournament and a new event. Players can find treasure chests to get rewards and find monsters to trade artifacts for treasures and so on.

The developer stated that in Path of Exile: Expedition, players will Buy Exalted Orbs, use explosive chains to mine their lost relics and undead, and then trade, trade and gamble these relics with their merchants. Their new expansion pack for July includes the expeditionary alliance, four new NPC merchants, nineteen new skills and support gems, new basic item types and unique items. The developers have also made a lot of changes to the balance, making Path of Exile more challenging, including a complete transformation of the flask system. Finally, the long-awaited Path of Exile Royale is back! Players will use it on weekends.

The developers released many minor fixes, including many improvements to the game interface. In addition, the studio’s CEO and co-founder Chris Wilson noticed the feedback on mana costs, saying that the players are too extreme. Based on feedback and data, they are reviewing the mana cost multipliers again and will reduce many, but not all of them. Designed to make mana more important than in the past.

The expansion also introduces extra features to the game map through the strange character Kalguur. Players can defeat them by strategically placing explosives, or it can resurrect them from the grave for rewards. New skills will be introduced as new gems. Therefore, Path of Exile becomes more difficult. With this update, GGG hopes to make Path of Exile a more famous challenge. This huge game balance will continue in future expansions until the launch of Path of Exile 2 next year, and interested players can buy POE Currency in advance.