A number of MUT players have reported difficulties with the mode throughout the year, raising concerns about the game's long-term viability.

In the past, numerous issues with Madden 21 have been well documented. As a result of EA's exclusive focus on football and the fact that the players are largely segmented, the company has largely escaped unharmed.

Fans of Franchise Mode are unconcerned about problems in Ultimate Team, and fans of MUT are unconcerned about the staleness of Franchise Mode.

One issue in Ultimate Team this year, on the other hand, could be a real concern for the game mode's overall position in the future...

Taking the ladder away from free-play Ultimate Team has thrived and survived because there is a viable path for players who don't want to spend money on packs to build a team and compete with those who are willing to put extra money into the game.

Within the game, Solo Battles are the most direct route to obtaining substantial rewards.

Those who achieve a Legend score within the first week of play receive 44,500 Madden NFL 22 Coins, 60 trophies, two hail mary packs, two midfield packs, and two redzone packs, in addition to the rewards listed above. If you take the quicksells, you'll earn an additional 70,000 coins, and you'll earn even more if you simply turn those trophies into pack.

That's a nice weekly income, roughly the equivalent of one 120,000 coin pack, which will cost you about $12 to acquire. Despite the fact that it doesn't sound like much, it adds up over the course of several months of MUT play.

Because of this, the game has been plagued by issues throughout Madden 21 Solo Battles' run.

From being gated at the beginning of the year to experiencing constant disconnection issues, receiving incorrect rewards, and even having days disappear from the challenge, there was a lot to complain about this year.

The result is that players who do not spend money are falling behind in MUT at a faster rate than ever before, and this is starting to drive players away from the game mode altogether.

Whether it was an accident or a deliberate decision,
Players are concerned about whether this is simply a problem with Madden 21 or if it is something that has been planned and will only worsen in Madden 22.

As a result of the difficulties that Solo Battles has encountered this year, it is possible that EA will be justified in completely removing the mode from MUT 22.

Moreover, if they do, they may decide to remove the option to solo grind from the game entirely.

Some members of the MUT community are dissatisfied with the endless money plays and meta cheese that characterize the H2H Seasons and Weekend League competition. It is solely on the proceeds of Solo Battles that they can afford one of the most recent cards or the upgrade to their next theme team.

If that community no longer participates in Solo Battles or something similar, it will simply fade away, taking with it a significant portion of the MUT 22 Coins economic base with it.

The market will begin to crumble if those who pay for packs have nowhere to sell their unwanted cards. This will result in less fluidity and ultimately less enjoyment for everyone.

Given all of the court cases that have been filed against it around the world, Ultimate Team is approaching a critical juncture, and if it abandons free-play gamers now, it will become increasingly difficult to justify the business model on which EA is reliant.