It’s easy to get caught up in all this MUT 24 Coins. When you use the phrase “he could be a better J.J. Watt,” it’s simple to imagine any team sprinting to the podium with the No. 1 pick card and being thrilled. What that doesn’t account for is the downside, the risk. What if the stars don’t align? What if the Madden NFL 24 doesn’t click for Walker the way it did Watt? What if coaching can’t make him realize that potential?

It’s here we get to the crux of the issue, and why I feel Walker at No. 1 would be a mammoth mistake for Jacksonville. This is a team who has whiffed time, and time, and time again with their first round picks, especially on the defensive line. Whether it’s Dante Fowler, Derrick Harvey or Tyson Alualu, the Jags have missed on first round defensive linemen so many times it defies belief. The shared DNA between these players: Upside over production.

Something is baked into the Jaguars that tells this front office that they have to try and make a splash, no matter what. It’s as if Jacksonville is allergic to buy Madden NFL 24 Coins the idea of hitting a double, and will instead swing for the fences every chance they get.