Fixed an trouble where the Magistrate's Notice can be inaccessible during the Blood Money quest if some other player in the birthday celebration did not have the Quest active Diablo 4 Gold. Fixed an difficulty in which Flickerstep's affix might sometimes now not prompt while the use of Metamorphosis. Fixed an issue wherein the outline of the Domination vampiric energy defined the effects of Chill when it need to have defined the effects of Frozen.

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Fixed an trouble in which exiting the Blood Seal improve display too quick could bring about being unable to upgrade the Blood Seal once more until you restarted the sport. Fixed an issue wherein Scroll of Amnesia would not visit the Lost Stash if left on the ground and the participant left the location. Fixed an issue wherein the Sack of Vampiric Torques might drop rings in preference to amulets. 
User Interface and User Experience

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