The opening stage of this year's Madden NFL 24 Playoffs are set to Madden nfl 24 Coins conclude with what could be by all accounts, the most exciting match of the year. For the Seattle Seahawks, playing perhaps the best soccer in league, take on the nation to face the Washington Redskins, winners of their seven previous games. Much of the focus heading into the game will be on the head-to-head contest between the two rookie quarterbacks, Robert Griffin III and Russell Wilson. Both have presented their arguments for Madden NFL 24's Rookie Of The Award, but winning at the end of Sunday's game in Maryland is certainly the greater prize.

With the Seahawks' dominance of the final month With their dominance over the last month, the Seahawks start the game as odds-on favorites against NFC East champs. But all five of their losses this season came in road games, and RGIII is likely to have another week to rest and repair his knee injury. In 2011. the 2011 Heisman winning player was hampered during the Redskins in the final two games during the season, sporting a large knee braces that inhibited his explosiveness running from the backfield. Wilson avoided significant injury in his first year and increased his efficiency each week in order to keep the Seahawks moving forward when the postseason gets underway.

Meet the Redskins

The Redskins are entering the postseason with a seven-game win streak, coming back from a 3-3 record during their bye time to climb up to be at the summit of the NFC East. Griffin totally changed their fortunes, gaining a franchise which had not made an appearance in the postseason since 2006 And he played one of the more boring offenses in the Madden NFL 24. The RGIII team was a huge success from the start, lighting up the Saints in Week 1 Mut 24 Coins, and then leading as a newly named captain throughout the season.