1. The approach seeks to communicate with the unconscious mind to update these pain signals and reduce or remove the pain.

  2. Therapeutic Process: An OldPain2Go practitioner typically guides the client through a structured process that involves relaxation techniques, visualization, and communication with the OldPain2Go unconscious mind. The client is encouraged to explore the origins and purpose of their pain, and then the practitioner helps them reframe and release the pain.

  3. Self-Healing: OldPain2Go emphasizes the idea that the client's mind and body have the innate capacity to heal themselves. The practitioner acts as a facilitator in helping the client tap into this self-healing potential.

  4. Client-Centered: The process is client-centered, meaning it is tailored to the individual's specific experiences and needs. It is non-invasive and does not involve physical manipulation or medications.

  5. No Guarantees: It's important to note that while some individuals have reported positive outcomes and relief from chronic pain through OldPain2Go, the effectiveness of this approach can vary from person to person. There are no guarantees, and it may not work for everyone.

  6. Complementary Approach: OldPain2Go is often used as a complementary therapy alongside conventional medical treatments. It should not be considered a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment for underlying medical conditions causing pain.