How do I get a carved turnip for RuneScape gold an evil turnip pouch? To start with, you are going to want a wicked turnip (the wicked vegetable that doesn't follow you about), which you can get by trading or dialing with other gamers. Next, you'll need to use a knife on it to turn it into this most dreadful of all vegetables: the carved turnip.

I attempted Monkey Madness sometime last year, and may I just say, it does indeed live up to its rumored stress-inducing qualities. I wasn't quite ready and didn't switch my Prayer on quite quickly enough until the demon started attacking me, and then wouldn't you know it, my connection froze for a millionth of a second. And BOOM! I was dead.

All of which sort of combined to make my"YEARGH!" At 3am (okay, yeah, well, I did not have anywhere to go the morning after,y'know?) Somewhat clear under the conditions. When I read throughout the Monkey Madness guide, it said to possess the Monkey GreeGree and also the M'Speak Amulet in my stock when I went to combat the demon at the end of Cheap RS gold the quest. The issue is that I did so, and once I died, I kept the M'Speak Amulet, but the GreeGree was missing.