I believe you will need to be in Animal Crossing Bells a certain friendship level to get favors.

I do miss a villager randomly showing up outside your home asking to hang out and playdates

You have to push past 3-4 of the exact same boring lines before they start offering you unique dialogue or tasks. I played for months before realising.theyve literally run around me several times and request me to do a job or needed a thought bubble. Not sure why youre saying you want to"push beyond" 3-4 lines of dialog to get it, perhaps you will need a higher friendship level.

Frankly over time the match went out of like a 10/10 match to a 7/10 match to me, strictly due to how dreadful the pacing and UX was. At some point I wanted to make a great deal of changes with my town but it was just so insanely tedious to anything at the game and it finally caught up with me. I was tired of spending hours every evening doing basically'nothing' in the game just because of how long it takes to do things.

I totally get his point and tbh don't believe yours invalidates his, but yeah, I always roll my eyes when I see something like this.

Notably bad in MMO subreddits in which hyper-power-users will complain'There's NOTHING TO DO in this game! Trust me, I've played with it for 1400 hours, I would know'

Like. . .Do those 1400 hours mean nothing? If your point is that you simply loved the sport so much in the past and X new update/installment completely undid all that goodwill - fantastic. That's a debate.

And within a game designed for a short narrative experience, I'd get your stage.

However, Animal Crossing has an expectation: You flip it on and interact with it maybe 30 - 90 minutes every day, and do that for months. So if someone is giving up on it a monthand a buy Animal Crossing New Horizons Nook Miles Ticket half in, it failed in what it was supposed to do, at least for that individual.