Nexxon is accusing these devs of stealing assets. That is, taking pieces of code or objects within the Dark And Darker Gold Coins game that were built for P3 under Nexxons roof, and reusing them without any compensation. Ironmace CEO Park Terence Seung-ha, on the other hand, contests that our code was built from scratch, while their assets are purchased from the Unreal marketplace, adding that it has already been audited by an outside agency. They admit the game itself is similar to P3, but then they were the ones who pitched it, designed it, built it. They took it to Nexxon, who threw it out, so they left and rebuilt it.

MOBAload: “darker themed” Deadbreed does customised heroes and summoned creatures

Stefan Ljungquist is a capable man. As art and animation director for Just Cause 2, it was his job to make actions with no real-world reference – a man grappling a jet from the ground and taking off after it, for instance – look and feel right.

As part of a new Swedish studio working on Deadbreed, he’s tasked himself with something even harder – making the MOBA feel new.

“I wanted to play a MOBA where I could totally customize how my hero looked and, more importantly played, but I couldn’t find one,” he said. “Talking to friends, I realized I wasn’t the only one wanting this, so we decided to make it.”

Deadbreed’s heroes each have special abilities, much like LoL’s and Dota’s, and play very differently according to the artifacts you equip them with. Artifacts level up alongside heroes between matches, but also wear down.

More novel seem the totem creatures summoned into battle – plus a team-chosen Sentinel who becomes the “endgame boss fight”, and a strict 3v3 team size limit.

Ljungquist and team are aiming to build a “darker themed” MOBA for “hardcore gamers”. You can judge how well that comes across in their debut trailer yourself:

Those lean demons reminded me, oddly enough, of Double Fine’s Brutal Legend – and specifically of its S&M-styled psychopath antagonist Doviculus. Deadbreed may be dark, then, but it’s still cartoony enough that its characters actions can be read from on high by their players.

Deadbreed will be out before the end of 2014. Whether it’ll be finished or not is a different matter – PC games development’s a bit funny like that now. D’you think you’ll try it? You won't need a critical roll to meet Dark and Darker requirements, but the developer suggests using an Nvidia RTX GPU to play the DnD-inspired FPS game.

What are Dark and Darker system requirements? You won’t need the best gaming PC to run the Dark And Darker Gold for sale upcoming fantasy first-person DnD adventure, but the dungeon crawler’s developers reckon you should use an Nvidia RTX graphics card. Weirdly, the Dark and Darker specs list largely avoids namedropping GeForce GPU models, despite including specific AMD options.