I'm Lola and with the recent popularity of WoTLK Gold my video looking at the do's and don'ts in pre punch I was looking to get this video up for people to go over the rules and do's my personal opinion on the launch day of wrath of the classic lich king. This is what we're going to talk about today. Before we start, there are there are a few things I want to get out of the way.

First, if I don't seem like I'm at my best today, I sincerely apologize. I'll be trying to correct as much of the this post as I can. But I do currently have COVID which is seriously very severe and affecting me.

Furthermore, anyone who is aware of the pool that I have recently put out requesting an TSM guide to use as my next video of wrath do not worry it will be coming soon. I've just decided to put this one first, due to the nature of time sensitive in it. So without further delay let's get started. So the first item to do for the Wrath of the Lich King launch date is likely to consist of Borean Tundra and possibly even Dragonblight. And I don't mean buy WoTLK Classic Gold doing these songs as a whole I'm referring to doing them to complement Howling Fjord.